Saturday, July 25, 2009

No matter what I do to my hair to straighten it, it gets back to wavy?

I tried every product. I used blow-driers and flat irons..........nothing works. My hair is slightly wavy...and I hate it...and it's kinda fliped in the ends.

what happens is, when I flat iron it it becomes straight, but then after a few minutes the wazes get back even if I use spray or ani frizz. I was thinking of buying a 100 red chi. will that solve my problem? lol

No matter what I do to my hair to straighten it, it gets back to wavy?

Nope, some people just have wavy hair. My hair does the same thing. It's pointless to straighten.

No matter what I do to my hair to straighten it, it gets back to wavy?

Girl, let me tell you, I have the same problem! This is what I do - I put my hair in a bun after I wash it and let it dry for a few hours. Then I blow dry it using an ionic blow dryer. Then I flat-iron it in sections. After that I use a biosilk syrum called Rock Hard Gelee and just quickly go over my hair again. Then I use Garnier Fructise Straigtening Hair Gum to finish it off. The waves come back sometimes, but a quick touch up and it's back to normal. These are the only products that have gotten my hair pretty straight.

No matter what I do to my hair to straighten it, it gets back to wavy?

try using a straightner. if that doesn't work then your hair is going to stay like that.

No matter what I do to my hair to straighten it, it gets back to wavy?

lol i no wat u mean

No matter what I do to my hair to straighten it, it gets back to wavy?

My hair is the same way and I have tried multiple straightners and nothing really does the trick. There are 2 things I have found that help

1. Wet to Straight hair straightner, you can straighten your hair while it is still wet without damaging your hair and your hair never has a chance to dry wavy....Its best to use clips and do it in sections starting with the bottom and working your way up.

2. This will sound weird, but I've been doing it for years and it has always made my hair straight and I've never had problems with it curling back up--take an iron, a regular iron like you are going to press your shirts, and a folded up pillowcase. Lay the pillowcase against your hand and tilt your head to whichever side you want to straighten, put the pillow case on the inside of your hair and slowly run the iron on the outside...Irons get REALLY hot so this works great!

Hope this helps :)

No matter what I do to my hair to straighten it, it gets back to wavy?

yes get a chi hair straightener!!!! i had this same exact problem but once i started using the chi hair straightner and chi hair products, my hair will stay staight...all day!!!! sometimes its even still straight by the next day! its works amazingly, takes like 2 seconds for the straightener to heat up, and has great results!!! : )

No matter what I do to my hair to straighten it, it gets back to wavy?

some straighteners work better that others. the only problem is that the good ones cost about $100. i advise that you try one of these out at a friend's house before you buy it.

i also agree with the person above. i never would've believed it, but irons really work!

No matter what I do to my hair to straighten it, it gets back to wavy?

What's so bad about wavy hair? I mean, I have it %26amp; love it:) It' s 1 of the few things I like about my body:) Why'd u want 2 get rid of your curliness?

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