Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Wat is better curly or straight hair or wavy and why?

Depends what suits your face. Personally, i prefer curly hair but that's probably because everyone wants something they've not got and my hair is naturally straight.

Wat is better curly or straight hair or wavy and why?

straighjt or wavy because what's the use of having curly hair if you can't even run your fingers through it. also, wavy shows you take time on your hair and to look good. straight looks as good and is just as easy to style. curly takes more time and effort as well, plus it might get ruined eventually. id say straight or wavy.

Wat is better curly or straight hair or wavy and why?

I think wavy hair is by far better than the other two options because it's easier to manage plus it still has that fun look to it. That is also the most popular hairstyle.

Wat is better curly or straight hair or wavy and why?

straight hair because you call curl it easily or make it wavy easier then having curly hair and trying to straighten it.

Wat is better curly or straight hair or wavy and why?

it depends on the shape of your face.

Wat is better curly or straight hair or wavy and why?

my hair is naturally curly but i straighten it. i think wavy is the best, it's neither curly noir straight. you can probley do more with your hair if it's straight but wavy looks more natural or flowing. if you have short hair wavy is not good though, there i reccommend curly or straight. if your hair is a good ways past your shoulders then wavy or straight looks best and is most likely easier to manage.

Wat is better curly or straight hair or wavy and why?

I think straight because it looks alot better on alot of perople but that is my personal opinion!

Wat is better curly or straight hair or wavy and why?

Wavy! Because it's in between straight and curly!

Wat is better curly or straight hair or wavy and why?

depends on the person....

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