Saturday, July 25, 2009

Cant do my hair, as it grows out it gets thick and wavy?

I want a long hair style ( Kind of like Adam gontier's ) my hair is perfectly straight until it grows out, then it gets thick and kind of wavy... I dont know what to do or what products etc to buy... Help? :D

Cant do my hair, as it grows out it gets thick and wavy?

straighten it

Cant do my hair, as it grows out it gets thick and wavy?

you can go and get it thinned out. it will work for awhile and then it get thick again but it might help a little bit

Cant do my hair, as it grows out it gets thick and wavy? depends..if you dont want it to be wavy then cut it again but if you like it wavy you should try herbal essences..i wouldnt use the mouse cause it tends to make peoples hair look stringy..and then when you get out of the shower spray your hair with john freida spray..sorry i dont remember what it is called but it is by john frieda and is for curly/wavy hair..hope that helped!;...

Cant do my hair, as it grows out it gets thick and wavy?

next time you go get ur hair cut tell ur stylist to thing it's pretty cool cuz they just go through ur hair with like a razor or something but u don't have to cut length to do it so it's pretty awsome....

Cant do my hair, as it grows out it gets thick and wavy?

Hmmm...that's unusual usually I just have stick straight hair when mine gets long....if long hair is what u are wanting to achieve, try a straightning gel, and a blowdryer with a diffuser.

Cant do my hair, as it grows out it gets thick and wavy?

you are lucky that you have thick long, wavy hair!!!

if you want to tone in down though just use Garnnie Frutis dangressly strait products and blowdry your hair strait. or get layers o thin it out, or ask them to "thin" it out for you, but i dont know how much that costs.

Cant do my hair, as it grows out it gets thick and wavy?

you can ask the hair dresser to thin it out when they cut your hair and flat iron it. pantene smooth and silky helps I find too. If you flat iron it every day put a leave in conditioner in every once in a while, you can just spray it on and leave it in. dont over due it or it'll be goo and dry hard and look bad. get trims often. using a flat iron can do a number on hair if not taken care of properly.

Cant do my hair, as it grows out it gets thick and wavy?

There is no such thing as hair getting thicker as it gets longer!! It is always the same... just the length changes.

I think what you mean is that when it gets longer, there is more of it (of course) and it becomes harder to control. Naturally, as it has more opportunity to move from it's base, it will not stay put. Shorter hair can't move.

Wavy or curly hair doesn't show itself until there is enough length to move or turn or curl. Once it gets long enough to curl once, or twice, or three times, you are going to get a messier look, and it may look like you have more hair (well, you do). Longer hair can look good, but is harder to look after, and means more work. Depending on your activity, your lifestyle, you may find it not worth all that bother. You decide.

Cant do my hair, as it grows out it gets thick and wavy?

The ultimate truth is that for hair to grow longer, we have to eat healthy, exercise adequately, reduce stress and most important sleep well. Include B-complex, B6, and vitamin C, E to make up for any deficiencies.To Know more about your hair will help you.

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