Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I want to get a spiral perm for my beautiful long hair, I dread breakage and damage, will a wavy per

what perm looks the best , spiral or wavy , which one lasts the longest, and will give my hair that ooomph! and the most bounce? my hair touches my navel. any suggestions? all are appreciated.

I want to get a spiral perm for my beautiful long hair, I dread breakage and damage, will a wavy perm do???

My recommendation is DON'T!! A spiral perm will ruin your beautiful hair and will take years to put right. Long beautiful hair does not need any adornment.

I want to get a spiral perm for my beautiful long hair, I dread breakage and damage, will a wavy perm do???

I have heard that the wavy purm lasts the longest.my friend had hair like your and had it done .it lasted for around 6 months. It looked great

I want to get a spiral perm for my beautiful long hair, I dread breakage and damage, will a wavy perm do???

o and spiral is the best

I want to get a spiral perm for my beautiful long hair, I dread breakage and damage, will a wavy perm do???

waves and spiral will **** ur hair up they dont last long too.. but when u get ur hair permed ur going for great distance because a perm can damage ur hair faster than u think its damageing chemicals burn the hair. stay with your long hair and dont do nything to it.. nd u willl be grateful that u might listen to me

I want to get a spiral perm for my beautiful long hair, I dread breakage and damage, will a wavy perm do???

Girl you need to try this NOW.

I think you should check out www.biolustreflorida.com

Instantly repairs your hair, increase tensile strength=staying power=retaining what you have, so no flyaways in tub or brush=longer hair in a month.

I just went to their launch party and had my hair done, free as a demo. Its amazing, my hair was breaking off and flying away. I will always always buy this stuff. Its awesome, I saw a difference as soon as she rinsed my hair. I have no damage anymore, its unbelievable! No more split-ends, its like my hair is NEW! I love it!


Instant Hair Repair for REAL its best on dry, dull, damaged and over processed hair.

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