Saturday, August 1, 2009

Whats the best way to make your hair wavy, not curly?

If it's long enough, you can braid it (more braids, smaller waves) overnight then undo. Voila, waves.

Whats the best way to make your hair wavy, not curly?

try braiding it overnight, or rolling it in soft rollers-bigger rollers for more wavy effect

Whats the best way to make your hair wavy, not curly?

You could sleep with a braid... Or put your hair in a bun for sometime.

If you have a curling or straightening iron, there is a trick to take a section of your hair and use the iron to create waves, rather than curls. Just reverse the direction of the clamp after each section of your hair...

same with a straightening iron...

Whats the best way to make your hair wavy, not curly?

well if you have long hair, i've heard somewhere that you can braid your hair when its wet, and maybe in a few hours when it dries, it will be wavy.

Whats the best way to make your hair wavy, not curly?

wet/wash your hair at night, and then put in some tight braids (think french braids) and fasten, go under the hair dryer or go to sleep. in the morning, take them out and finger them and walk out the door.

Whats the best way to make your hair wavy, not curly?

well start with a smoothing shampoo and conditioner. then use products that control frizz like a serum...and use a really good straightening iron. my hair is wavy just in the back so i do this to make it all straight. it's the easiest and least expensive and it works great :)

Whats the best way to make your hair wavy, not curly?


Whats the best way to make your hair wavy, not curly?

a waver, looks like a crimper but has like 3 "waves" on the iron instead of lots of little crimpy waves. Super easy to use, easier than a curling iron. Also another way is braid you hair at night (4 braids or more does best) when wet and take out when dry.

Whats the best way to make your hair wavy, not curly?

I put my towel dried (not too wet) hair into two plaits to get my hair wavy. I spray the styling gel onto it first. I then leave in over night and in the morning I take it out this gives me waves and not curls.

Whats the best way to make your hair wavy, not curly?

Somtimes I do this unintentionally. Simply wash your hair just before you go to bed. By rolling around in bed overnight, your hair will get wavy naturally. When you wake up just brush it lightly and you have waves. I assume you have long hair, I don't know if this works on short hair. And I have quite thick hair too, so if your hair is thin then it will definitely work. If you braid it then you will end up with some very flat part to your hair (near the head area) and then suddenly wavy so just 'let it all hang out' overnight. Tossing and turning will do the job.

Whats the best way to make your hair wavy, not curly?

Depends on your texture

Whats the best way to make your hair wavy, not curly?

use a regular curling iron about 1 inch or 1 1/2 inch barrel and like hold it on a piece of your hair one one and then flip it and hold it on the other way and do that all over your hair. i do it everyday and it waves my hair veryy good. everyone thinks its natural too. heres a couple pictures of what it should look like:

Whats the best way to make your hair wavy, not curly?

stand in the rain. i know it doesn't sound fun, but it works! x

Whats the best way to make your hair wavy, not curly?

get a slick brush and brush it wen wet, or cornrow it wen wet then undow it but it has 2 b damp stil

Whats the best way to make your hair wavy, not curly?

Try large curlers, or do it with your straighteners

Whats the best way to make your hair wavy, not curly?

Keep it in plaits(2 or 3, doesn't have to be french plaits) over night, or a long period of time (over a couple of hours) put hair mouse or hair spray on your the plaits and leave it.

when you take them out Don't brush your hair just run your fingers through it with a little bit of hair mouse, it will stay in longer depending on the length or your hair.


Whats the best way to make your hair wavy, not curly?

eat sea weed latherbread and sing donnies song crazy horses

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