Saturday, August 1, 2009

Does my hair look better wavy or curly?

I'm going to a party and just wanted to know how it looked better?

If curly picture 1

If Wavy picture 2

Thank You x

Does my hair look better wavy or curly?

Your hair is gorgeous, either way looks really good. Guess it all depends on what 'look' your going for.

Have fun!!

Does my hair look better wavy or curly?

wavy suits ya better and smile when takin pics!!!

Does my hair look better wavy or curly?

i like it curly better but if u do post a picture of urself it would look a WHOLE lot better if u would smile

hope u look great @ ur party! : )

Does my hair look better wavy or curly?

picture 1 but it looks like extensions - Is it? - just looks like you did too much to each one not real natural, although you are pretty just wanted to add - You guys answering are so dumb - this girl obviously has extensions - It's obvious that it's not real hair it's too lumped together in sections and doesn't flow like real hair - Get those extensions out before they ruin your hair!

Does my hair look better wavy or curly?

i think pic.1 your hair looks really good like that


Does my hair look better wavy or curly?

i love your hair curly. you have beautiful hair!

Does my hair look better wavy or curly?

I say picture one and smile girl, you're beautiful!

Does my hair look better wavy or curly?

Pic number one is pretty.

Smile. Your photos make you look like your sad.

Does my hair look better wavy or curly?

Picture 1 - Curly!!

Does my hair look better wavy or curly?

well it depends on what kind of party you are going to... if its a formal party like a dinner party then i suggest the wavy hair. it looks relaxed.. if you are going to a party party then u should def. go with the curly hair. but either way you have pretty hair and they both looked great. and smile when you are taking pictures :)

Does my hair look better wavy or curly?

Def wavy, it looks a lot cuter, and makes u look mature, but still cute. Good luck

Does my hair look better wavy or curly?

WOW....I like both!!!

You are very pretty

Does my hair look better wavy or curly?

I like the first one better. So I guess that's the curly one. But if that's your definition of curly, you've obviously never seen my hair. =P

Does my hair look better wavy or curly?

wavy. and your sad pouty face looks ridiculous, smile, or at least just make a neutral expression!

Does my hair look better wavy or curly?


Does my hair look better wavy or curly?

I say curly, u hair looks cute hope u have fun in u party, don't forget to smile.

Does my hair look better wavy or curly?

better 2 be wavy

Does my hair look better wavy or curly?

it doesn't matter. they both look great on you! but i think you should have your hair wavy for the party. smile for pics!

Does my hair look better wavy or curly?

oviously wavy!!!!!!! u loook really pretty with wavy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Does my hair look better wavy or curly?

i think your hair looks better curly. u need to smile! u would look a hole lot better!

Does my hair look better wavy or curly?

smile girl i think it looks better curly

Does my hair look better wavy or curly?

You have GORGEOUS hair and it looks great either way. My opinion is the first pic

Does my hair look better wavy or curly?

Wavy looks better, but I think a smile when you take photos goes way further!

Does my hair look better wavy or curly?

I think you should have wavy hair, it looks really good. But the key to looking good is to always smile and look like you are having a good time!

Does my hair look better wavy or curly?

u look great both suits a quick busy 2is more delicate type.but dont cut that hair girl

Does my hair look better wavy or curly?

I agree with the prior answerer - Those look like high maintenance great lengths extensions, girl, and they will RUIN your hair - Get them out!! They look good but I have some friends who had them and they ruined their hair!!

Does my hair look better wavy or curly?

you look hot with the curly hair!

Does my hair look better wavy or curly?


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